Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Repair of the Red Head

I am sitting in a cafe across the street where Dan is having his surgery.  He has about an hour to go.

Very impressed with the surgical team.  They spent a lot of time talking with us and weighing anesthesia options to minimize possible exacerbation of the brain injury and slow its healing. The surgeon (who is from NYC - lower eastside!) said a prayer before surgery with us, asking for smooth sailing and good results and continued healing from the accident.  It was amazing.  I felt that we were surrounded by good people who cared and were profoundly competent.  The anesthesiologist said, "I try to think about and treat my patients as family members - whom I like!"
Now I'm back in the waiting room with a full tummy and a cup of coffee.  I wasn't really hungry but, since I run support programs for caregivers, I have to practice what I preach and take care of myself.  Julia is here with me, Sarah works downstairs, Aileen is coming over later to check on us, Kevin has lots of advice and experiential wisdom...  We are well supported.

Dan will be groggy for a while and then on pain meds.  I expect that he will be sleeping a good deal of today and tomorrow as he recovers and as the anesthesia works its way out of his system.  It's a long walk down the dock which has me a bit worried but we'll figure it out.  Maybe that will help clear his head.

I plan to stay put for a day or two.  I have food cooked and the boat is clean and the bed is changed and ready for him. Dan will sleep in the aft cabin because it's easier to get into with his arm pinned to his chest where it will be for six weeks.  I thought about getting a baby monitor!  Anyone have a spare?

The doctor should be out momentarily.  I'm going to sign off but will continue to update the blog for a while now.



1 comment:

  1. Sending lots of love and healing thoughts to Dan, and to you, Sarah and Julia too! No doubt you will need to lay low and rest tomorrow...xox
